Friday, October 24, 2008

How can you help???

I am writing this post to say that we are still waiting on our baby. I know that a couple of people have stated that they would help if the could, but just cannot afford to right now. That is very understandable, considering the economy, the job market and its instability, and trying to just pay the bills that you already have. Jen and I thank everyone that has been able to contribute, and freely give as God has given you the ability.
This post is not a plea for money or donations, rather an informational post. We have signed up for AdSense by Google (which explains the ads on the sides of our blogs). The way it works is for every ad that you visit or click on, google pays us for the visits, as advertisers pays google for the traffic to their site. We try to monitor the sites so that there is not any advertisement listed that we would not look at ourselves. So you are helping us by looking and not actually giving of your own money.
On a side note; we pray that everyone will get out on Nov. 4th and vote for the President and local offices in your state. We unashamedly will be voting a Conservative ticket, (McCain-Palin) for a free America. You may not agree, that is your right to do so. I could say alot more but my ads may turn into public service ads (which I do not want).
Thank you for your support and prayers as we are eagerly awaiting our baby.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Water Garden!

Some how the pictures loaded in reverse order...oh well. I have been busy with maintenance calls in the past two weeks. Fortunately, these are not my customers, so that means extra $$.. A builder had installed this water garden, but the homeowner has been unhappy with it since he completed it. They had gotten my number from a flyer that had "blown" into their yard.... and people say that God does not provide for His children :) Well I had talked to them about fixing their algae problem and recommended a few changes. These changes included installing a cavern for the new fish. Below is a picture of some comet fish I put in. Refilled and flowing!

A beautiful verigated water lilly.
I reworked the rocks on the waterfall since the guy who put them on there originally just "threw" them on there and foamed it with expansion joint foam (bright orange) and stuck out like a sore thumb.

This lilly plant is sitting on the cavern I installed for the fish to escape to when predators threaten. It is dug out about 6" deep and covered with a Tennessee Flagstone.
Starting to refill!
I love a challenge to make the homeowner happy...and for them to finally be pleased with the water garden and not see it as an algae and mosquito breeding ground.